Color Schemes For Rooms Under Normal Conditions

(TN: left page of two page table)


Floor Drapery

Wood Trim Wainscoting Side-Wall Furniture

(Brown and

gray tones
(Full tones) (Wood tones) (Deep tones) (Soft tones) (Soft tones)
Brown Yellow Mission Green Red Green
Deep oak

Orange Mission Blue Orange Blue
Light oak Green Light oak Violet Yellow Violet
Deep olive Blue Oak Red Green Red
Mission tones

  of slate
Violet Mahogany Orange Blue Orange
Deep plum Red Violet toned

  or tulip
Yellow Violet Yellow


(TN: right page of two page table)

Furniture Frieze Draperies Ceiling Cornice
(Wood tones) (Soft tones) (Full tones) (Pale wash tones) (Pale wash tones)
Mahogany Pale green Red Palest green Pale yellow
Deep oak Blue Orange Palest blue Pale green
Gold, gray or

Violet Yellow Palest violet Pale blue
Walnut gray Grayish red Green Palest red Pale violet
Mission brown Gray orange Blue Palest orange Pale orange
Gold or violet

Yellow Violet Palest yellow Pale pink

Exception 1. The ceiling, where there is no pronounced cornice or cove, should follow the wall tint.

Exception 2. Independent of rule, a low ceiling should be in receding color.

It is impossible to tabulate directions for using color without an understanding of the conditions, the size, light and height of a room. The above tables relate only to normal conditions.

White woodwork can be used effectively in the trims of a room and give greater light and size. The darker the wood trims the smaller the room appears. We have left out of consideration the window treatments which, as a rule, should be of white lace, perhaps overdraped in colored stuffs. If the room is poorly lighted, it is obviously undesirable to cut off any light from the window by even laces; the curtains, therefore, in a poorly lighted room should be draped back. Colored laces, grenadines or madras stuffs are frequently used to give period style or color tone, and wherever they are used, such curtains should harmonize with the wall. So also with the overdraperies to the lace curtains.

89. Luminous or advancing colors make a small room look all the smaller; therefore in small rooms we suggest the use of white woodwork, and in the color treatment we would avoid contrasts, but would suggest harmonies of analogy in receding colors, soft grays, greens and blues. These are not luminous colors and will make a small room look the larger, while the white will give light effects, and if the room appears a trifle somber it can be easily relieved by the bright colors of the bric-à-brac and by a touch of gold here and there on the wall.

90. There are cases where a small room has a northern exposure, and while apparently expedient to treat such a room in warm colors to supply the deficiency of sunlight, such a course would make a room look smaller.

91. Under the circumstances treat the room in light hues, gray preferred, and get the deficiency of sunlight through some warm isolated details and in the lace curtains.


