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All Chromatography Page 35
Ultramarine With The Cyanus And Coeruleum Of The Ancients; But
their cyanus, or Armenian blue, was a kind of mineral or mountain blue, tinged with copper; and their coeruleum, although it may sometimes have been real ultramarine, was properly and in general a copper ochre. That ultramarine was known to the ancien...
Under The Name Of Leitch's Blue
Uniform Colour Thus Composed Is The Citrine Colour Of Fruit And
foliage, on inspecting which we distinctly trace the stipplings of orange and green, or of yellow, red, and green. The truth and beauty resulting from such stipplings in art may be seen in the luscious fruit-pieces of the late W. Hunt, where the bloom...
Variety Of This Pigment Known As Native Prussian Blue; Which Is
really a native phosphate of iron, occurring as a blue earthy powder, or as a white powder that becomes blue by exposure. TTITLE ANTWERP BLUE, ...
Vehicles And Varnishes With Which They Are Mixed Many Of These Have
been blamed, and often with justice, for their injurious effects on pigments. The reputation of the most permanent colour may be ruined, if the vehicle, &c., employed with it be untrustworthy. The presence of lead, for instance, in such materials rend...
Verde Vessie Or Iris Green Is A Vegetal Pigment Prepared From The
juice of the berries of the buckthorn, the green leaves of the woad, the blue flowers of the iris, &c. It is usually preserved in bladders, and ...
Verditer Brunswick Green Vienna Green Hungary Green Green
Vermilion Extract Of Vermilion Orange Vermilion And Field's
Vermilion Is So Called From The Italian Word Vermiglio (little Worm)
given to the kermes or "coccus ilicis," which was used as a scarlet dye before the introduction of cochineal. It is a sulphuret of mercury, which previous to levigation is called Cinnabar; and is found native in quicksilver mines, as well as produced ...
Very Slight Solubility In Water Would Be A Fatal Objection; And
although they would be liable to suffer from a foul atmosphere, we are inclined to think the effects would not be so lasting as in the chromates of lead. Like lead sulphide, the sulphide of thallium ranges from brown to brownish-black, or grey-black; ...
Vienna Blue Paris Blue Azure Cobalt-ultramarine &c Is The
name now exclusively confined to that preparation of cobalt which has a base of alumina. It may, therefore, be not improperly called a blue lake, the colour of which is brought up by fire, in the manner of enamel blues. The discovery of this important...
Violet De Mars Purple Ochre Or Mineral Purple Is A Dark Ochre
native of the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire. It is of a murrey or chocolate colour, and forms cool tints of a purple hue with white. It is of a darker colour than Indian red, which has also been classed among purples, but has a similar body and op...
Was Known In Ancient Times: The Romans Called It Auri Pigmentum Or
gold colour, whence, by corruption, its present name is derived. It is found in the native state in China and elsewhere, the best quality being in masses, consisting of plates of a fine golden hue, intermixed with portions of a vermilion or orange-red...
We Have Adopted The Term Marrone Or Maroon As It Is Sometimes Called
for our second and middle semi-neutral, as applicable to a class of impure colours composed of black and red, black and purple, or black and russet, or of black and any other denomination in which red predominates. It is a mean between the warm, broke...
Well To All Of These Must Be Superadded Durability When Used A
quality to which the health and vitality of a picture belong, and one so essential that all other properties put together without it are of no esteem with the artist who merits reputation. We have, therefore, given it a previous distinct consideration...
Most Viewed
Browns And The Cold Semi-neutral Grays Marrone Is Practically To
Black Chalk
Also Called Scarlet Chrome Is A Bright Chromate Of Lead Of An
Burnt Verdigris
Belong The Dutch And Flemish Schools; The Sensible Which Aims At
Composition Chemical Analysis Has Shown Several Of The Blues To Be
Less Known As English Red Prussian Red And Scarlet Ochre True
Olive In Dark Green; Russet And Citrine In Dark Orange The
Least Viewed
Pitch And [greek: Kallos] Ornament The Blue Is Named Pittacal
Pigment The [greek: Kinnabari] Of The Greeks And The Minium--a Term
Peculiar Red Mineral Orange
For Artists Such Are Harding's And Macpherson's Tints Composed Of
We Have Adopted The Term Marrone Or Maroon As It Is Sometimes Called
Softer Texture Some Of My Friends Says Bouvier Call It Beggars'
Russet Hues Of Autumn Foliage Where Purple And Orange Have Broken Or
Uniform Colour Thus Composed Is The Citrine Colour Of Fruit And