Indium Yellow


Whether the new metal indium will ever be found in sufficient quantity

to render it practically useful remains to be seen. The most abundant

source at present known is the Freiberg blende, 100,000 parts of which

only yield from twenty-five to forty parts of indium. The metal is

chiefly interesting in an artistic sense on account of its sulphide, a

fine bright yellow resembling cadmium, and best obtained by

an acetic acid solution with sulphuretted hydrogen, or

sulphide of ammonium. In the latter, the yellow dissolves on being

heated, but deposits again on cooling of a rather paler tint. With one

modification, what was said in a former edition of this Treatise

concerning cadmium yellow may be repeated of indium yellow. "The metal

from which it is prepared being hitherto scarce, it has not been

employed as a pigment, and its habits are not therefore ascertained."

All we can tell is, that the colour does not suffer from impure air.

Indium is likewise distinguished by a straw-yellow oxide.

