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All Colours Page 1
Absorption And Reflection
<p>138. The architect who designates the number and location of outlets for the lighting sources, and specifies the candle-power of the lamps, knows nothing of the ultimate decoration of the house. Very often the specifications are finished before the...
Advancing And Receding Colors
<p>80. Citrine is an advancing color, because while it contains some blue in the green of its composition, it contains a preponderance of yellow and orange; slate is a receding color, because while it contains some yellow in the green of its composi...
Artificial Light Application
<p>153. The introduction of light by the medium of a wire, which may be carried to any point in a room, encourages so many possibilities for comfort and effect that it behooves us to forget traditional customs which were established during the gasli...
Artificial Lighting
<p>135. In considering artificial light, we will avoid all efforts to analyze the different forms of energy, magnetic energy, electric energy, heat energy, mechanical momentum, radiating energy, and deal with result rather than with cause and effect...
<p>30. We do not wish to be understood as stating that the work of the colorist is solely mechanical; but we would emphasize that the influences of color are very largely the result of studied proportions. The basis upon which one operates must be s...
Color Control
<p>158. Mechanical lighting is so easily undertaken that it predisposes one to extravagance. Properly applied, artificial light adds materially to the charm of a room, but with illumination secured by the mere twist of the wrist one is prone to igno...
Color In Large Or Small Rooms
<p>26. For a large room well lighted, yellow, red and orange in delicate shades are not as desirable as orange, violet and russet in light shades. This rule, however, may be reversed for a large room that is dimly lighted.</p> <p>A superabundance ...
Color Nomenclature&mdashharmonies
<p>9. Color nomenclature includes primary, secondary and tertiary colors, and innumerable hues, shades and tints. All these colors bear relations to one another, either relations of analogy, or relations of contrast.</p> <p>The Circle Diagram I show...
Color Proportions
<p>28. But to arrive at proportions we must reduce the circular table to a geometrical table. We must straighten out the lines so that the exact proportions are apparent. We need not confuse the reader by mathematics, but to establish our theory we ...
Color Schemes For Rooms Under Normal Conditions
<p>(TN: left page of two page table)</p> <div> <table summary="" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="right"></td> <td></td> <td align="left"></td> <td></td> <td ...
Color Terms
<p>120. In the study of color and its application authorities differ so materially that it is not only impossible to reconcile their theories, but the different terms used to express color thought create inextricable confusion.</p> <p>121. One au...
Color Terms
<p> Broken Color. Color changed by the addition of black, white or gray.</p> <p>Chroma. Color.</p> <p>Cold Colors are colors containing very little, if any, red or yellow.</p> <p>Contrast Analogies. Apparent contrasts of secondary and t...
Color Vocabulary
<p>126. In music, a tone which is formed by a certain number of vibrations per second is the same the world over, and each and every tone has a name; but in color no such standards exist. People have attempted to formulate a system by denominating the...
Colors That Give Size To A Room
<p>76. The wall and fabric designs must be of a size proportionate to the size of the room. The color treatment of a well-lighted room must be subdued to offset the glare of the natural illumination, and the natural illumination be subdued to soften...
Contiguous Harmonies
<p>44. For the lower floor he must arrange his colors so that while they moderate the direct glare of a sunny exposure or brighten the cheerlessness of a north light, they will also form a composition that pleases when seen from a point of common obse...
Most Viewed
Advancing And Receding Colors
Wall Proportions
Contrast Analogies
Color Proportions
Color Terms
Color Terms
Artificial Light Application
Least Viewed
Reflective Power Of Color
Harmonies For The Room
The Psychology Of Color
Absorption And Reflection
Floor Treatments
Light Effect On Color
To Determine The Color Sense