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Of Which Black And White Have Been Stated To Be The Opposed
Of Those Pigments Would Do The Rich Yellowness Entirely Disappearing
Olive And Is Also The Prime Colour Or Archeus Of The Neutral Black
Note Here The Difference Between Gray As Spelt With An A And Grey As
Numerous Colours Are Likewise Injured By Lime And Fire And Cannot
therefore be employed in fresco, or enamel painting. Of substances which may act deleteriously on colours, there remain the ...
Ochre Oxford Ochre Stone Ochre Di Palito &c Are Native
earths, consisting chiefly of silica and alumina in combination with iron, which latter forms the principal colouring matter. They are among the most ancient of pigments, and their permanency is proved by the state of the old pictures. In a box of col...
Of Late Years In The German Coelin Known Here As Cerulian Blue And
Coeruleum. What is chiefly wanted, however, is a colour combining the wonderful depth, richness, and transparency of Prussian blue with the strict stability of ultramarine. A permanent Prussian blue would be the most valued gift the palette could rece...
Of Lead &c
The heaviest and whitest of these are the best, and in point of colour and body, are superior to all other whites. When pure and properly applied in oil and varnish, they are comparatively safe and durable, drying well without addition; but excess o...
Of Shades Between The Extremes Of Light And Dark As Each Compound
Of Shades To This Belong All The Powers Of Chiaroscuro By Which Term
the painter denotes the harmonious effects of light and shade; and though they form the simplest part of colouring, yet they cannot be separated from it--light and shade, the chiaroscuro, being a distinct and important branch of painting. A third mode...
Of The Bixa Orellana And Appears Generally To Contain Two Colouring
matters, a yellow and a red, which are apt to adhere to each other and produce orange. Anotta dissolves with difficulty in water, but readily in alcohol and alkaline solutions, from which last it may be thrown down as a lake by means of alum. Being, h...
Of The Gold Coast The Cape And Natal Turacine The Name Proposed
for it, is noticed here only because it is the first animal or vegetable pigment, with copper as an essential element, which has been hitherto isolated. The colour is extracted by solution in an alkali, and precipitation by an acid, and is changed on ...
Of These There Are Three Tints Deep A So-called Pale And Lemon
TTITLE DEEP CADMIUM. Cadmium Yellow is comparatively a recent introduction, the metal itself not having been discovered till 1818. The cadmium yellows of commerce are (the chromate excepted) all sulphides, and therefore not affected by impure air...
Of Those Pigments Would Do The Rich Yellowness Entirely Disappearing
and the sober-coloured earth being left behind. * * * * * From several metals besides those mentioned, yellows more or less vivid and durable may be obtained--from tin, nickel, cerium, molybdenum, &c.; but we do not...
Of Which Black And White Have Been Stated To Be The Opposed
Olive And Is Also The Prime Colour Or Archeus Of The Neutral Black
Olive In Dark Green; Russet And Citrine In Dark Orange The
tertiaries have, therefore, the same order of relation to black that the primaries have to white; and we have black primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries, inversely, as we have white primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries, directly. In other words, w...
Once Known As Persian Red Is Brought From Bengal It Is A Natural
earth rich in peroxide of iron, of a purple russet hue and good body, and valued when fine for the clearness and soft lakey tone of its tints. In a crude state it is a coarse powder, full of extremely hard and brilliant particles of a dark appearance ...
Only That Of Extreme Light Objects Opaque It Follows That White Is To
be kept as much as possible out of shadow, and black, for the same reason, out of colour. In their stead, whenever it is necessary to cover, opaque tints may be employed, glazed over with transparent colours. Such practice would also be more favourabl...
Opacity Is A Fine Tone; But It Must Be Remembered That Transparency
is the character of the sunset or sunrise, and hence arises the difficulty of employing such opaque colour effectively." Before the introduction of cadmium red, this and the following pigment were the best and only unexceptionable orange-reds known. I...
Opaque Contrary And Vice Versa: Indeed In Practice All These Must
be in some measure combined. Such are some of the powers of contrast in colouring alone, and such is the diversity of art upon which skill in colouring depends. It must not be forgotten, however, that contrasts or extremes, whether of light and sha...
Opaque Oxide Of Chromium Green Oxide Of Chromium Chrome Oxide
Or Brun De Mars Is Either A Natural Or Artificial Ochre Containing
iron, or iron and manganese. Of much richness and strict permanence, it resembles raw umber in being a brown with a citrine cast, but is generally marked by a flush of orange which is not so observable in the latter pigment. TTITLE MIXED CITRINE. ...
Or Burnt Terra Di Sienna Is Calcined Raw Sienna Of A Rich
transparent brown-orange or orange-russet colour, richer, deeper, and more transparent than the raw earth. It also works and dries better, has in other respects the qualities of its parent colour, and is a most permanent and serviceable pigment in pai...
Or Cappagh Brown Is Likewise A Colour Peculiar To Oil It Is A
species of bog-earth or peat, mixed with manganese in various proportions, and found on the estate of Lord Audley at Cappagh, near Cork. The specimens in which the peat earth most abounds are of light weight, friable texture, and dark colour; while th...