Or Brun De Mars Is Either A Natural Or Artificial Ochre Containing


iron, or iron and manganese. Of much richness and strict permanence, it

resembles raw umber in being a brown with a citrine cast, but is

generally marked by a flush of orange which is not so observable in the

latter pigment.


What has been before remarked of the mixed secondary colours is more

particularly applicable to the tertiary, it being more difficult to

> select three homogeneous substances of equal powers as pigments than

two, that shall unite and work together cordially. Hence the mixed

tertiaries are still less perfect and pure than the secondaries; and as

their hues are of extensive use in painting, original pigments of these

colours are proportionably estimable to the artist. Nevertheless there

are two evident principles of combination, of which he may avail himself

in producing these colours in the various ways of working; the one being

that of combining two original secondaries; and the other, of uniting

the three primaries in such a manner that the archeus shall predominate.

Thus in the case of citrine, either orange and green may be directly

compounded; or yellow, red, and blue be so mixed that the yellow shall

be in excess.

These colours are, however, obtained in many instances with best and

most permanent effect, not by the intimate combination of pigments upon

the palette, but by intermingling them, in the manner of nature, on the

canvas, so as to produce the appearance at a proper distance of a

