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Or Mountain Green Is Met With In Cumberland And Is Also Found In The
Or More Correctly Semi-neutral Tint Is A Compound Shadow Colour Of
Or Penley's Neutral Orange Is A Permanent Compound Pigment Composed
Or Field's Carmine Like That Of Cochineal Is The Richest And Deepest
lake prepared, containing most colouring matter and least base. It differs from the paler products chiefly in transparency and intensity, and is the only durable carmine for painting either in water or oil; for both which it is qualified by texture wi...
Or French Blue Is A Rich Deep Colour But Less Transparent And Vivid
than the preceding variety, which is preferable in unmixed tints. For compound hues, French blue is sufficiently well adapted, and is extremely useful. With aureolin and burnt Sienna, or Vandyke brown, it affords valuable autumn greens; and with lamp ...
Or French Veronese Green Is A Comparatively Recent Introduction
similar in colour and general properties to the following; beside which, however, it appears dull, muddy, and impure. It is often adulterated with arsenic to an enormous extent, which interferes with its transparency, mars its beauty, and renders it o...
Or Green Earth Is A Sober Bluish Green With A Grey Cast It Is A
species of ochre, containing silica, oxide of iron, magnesia, potash, and water. Not bright and of little power, it is a very durable pigment, being unaffected by strong light or impure air, and combining with other colours without injury. It has not ...
Or Indian Blue Was Known To The Ancients Under The Name Of Indicum
whence its present appellation. In modern Europe, it first came into extensive use in Italy; but about the middle of the sixteenth century, the Dutch began to import and employ it in considerable quantity. Present in the woad plant, which is a native ...
Or Iodine Scarlet Is An Iodide Of Mercury Having The Body And
opacity of vermilion, and being as much inferior to it in permanence as it is superior in brilliancy. Of all artistic pigments, it is at once the most dazzling and the most fugitive, and should have no place on the palette. If used, it should be with ...
Or L500 For The Production Of Artificial Ultramarine By The Societe
Or Lamblack Is A Smoke Black Being The Soot Procured By The Burning
of resins or resinous woods. It is a pure vegetal charcoal of fine texture, not quite so intense nor so transparent as the black made from ivory, but less brown in its pale tones. It has a very strong body that covers readily every underlay of colour,...
Or Masticot Is A Protoxide Of Lead Varying From The Purest And Most
tender straw colour to a dull orange yellow, and known as Light, Yellow, and Golden Massicot. It has in painting all the properties of white lead, from which it may be prepared by gentle calcination in an open furnace. In tint with that pigment, howev...
Or Mineral Grey As It Is Often Improperly Spelt Is Obtainable From
the lapis lazuli, after the blue and ash have been worked out. So derived, it is a refuse article, worthless if the stone has been skilfully exhausted of its ultramarine. As this is now generally the case, the best mineral gray is no longer a waste pr...
Or More Correctly Semi-neutral Tint Is A Compound Shadow Colour Of
a cool character. It is permanent, except that on exposure the gray is apt to become grey, a change which may be prevented by a slight addition of ultramarine ash. So protected, it becomes serviceable in landscape for the extreme distance, which, it m...
Or Mountain Green Is Met With In Cumberland And Is Also Found In The
Or Penley's Neutral Orange Is A Permanent Compound Pigment Composed
of yellow ochre and the russet-marrone known as brown madder: it is chiefly valuable in water-colour. Paper, being white, is too opaque to paint upon, without some wash of colour being first passed over it; otherwise the light tones of the sky are apt...
Or Queen's Yellow Is A Subsulphate Of Mercury Of A Beautiful Lemon
yellow colour, but so liable to change by the action of light or impure air, that it cannot be used safely, and hardly deserves attention as a pigment. ...
Or Quercitron Yellow Is What Its Name Implies It Is Dark In
substance, in grains of a glossy fracture, perfectly transparent, and when ground is of a beautiful yellow colour. In painting it follows, and adds richness and depth to, gamboge in water, and goes well into varnish; but any lead used in rendering oil...
Or Rouge De Mars Is An Artificial Iron Ochre Similar In Subdued Tint
and permanence to the native earths. Its chemical affinities, however, are greater than those of the latter, and it therefore requires to be employed cautiously with pigments affected by iron. In this respect the red resembles its compeers, Mars yello...
Or Swedish Green Resembles The Preceding Variety In Being A Compound
of copper and arsenic, and therefore rankly poisonous; but differs from it in containing no acetic acid, in possessing less opacity, and in having a darker shade. It is a cupric arsenite, with the common attributes of emerald green, under which name i...
Or Viride Aeris Is Of Two Kinds Common Or Impure And Crystallized Or
Orange As Well As Its Relatives Scarlet And Other Warm Colours
Orange Chrome Or Orange Chromate Of Lead Is A Sub-chromate Of Lead
of an orange-yellow colour, produced by the action of an alkali on chrome yellow. Like all the chromates of lead, it is characterized by power and brilliancy; but also by a rankness of tone, a want of permanence, and a tendency to injure organic pigme...
Orange De Mars Is A Subdued Orange Of The Burnt Sienna Class But
without the brown tinge that distinguishes the latter. Marked by a special clearness and purity of tone, with much transparency, it affords bright sunny tints in its pale washes, and combines effectively with white. Being an artificial iron ochre it i...
Orange For Instance Which Is Naturally An Orange Pigment And Not
composed of red and yellow, is superior to many mixtures of those colours in a chemical sense, and to all such mixtures in an artistic sense. At the same time, it is quite possible for the artist to multiply his pigments unnecessarily. Colours are som...