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Also Called Jaune Minerale Jaune De Cologne Or Cologne Yellow
Also Called English And Dutch Pink Is An Absurd Name For A Stronger
Also Called King's Yellow Chinese Yellow Yellow Orpiment &c
A Black The General Contrast Or Harmonizing Colour Of Such Compounds
will consequently be more or less purple or blue. The number of browns is great, as may be seen by the following list. This list, however, is good, and includes a considerable proportion of permanent pigments. TTITLE ASPHALTUM, ...
A Blue-green; And When It Tends To Crimson Or Purple A
A Coarse Gritty Texture Is Peculiar To Smalt Whether It Be The Powder
A Corrupt Name From Cendres Bleues The Original Denomination Probably
of ultramarine ashes, is of two kinds, the natural and artificial. The first is a blue mineral found near copper mines, while the last is simply a verditer. ...
A Deep Orange Like Blue Olive Is A Retiring Colour The Most So Of
all the colours, being the penultimate of the scale, or nearest of all in relation to black, and last, theoretically, of the regular distinctions of colours. Hence its importance in nature and painting is almost as great as that of black; it divides t...
A Mixture Which Is Also Known As Brunswick Green Fine Bright Greens
they are suited to the ordinary purposes of mechanic painting, but are quite unfit for the artist's craft, chrome yellow reacting upon and ultimately destroying Prussian blue when mixed therewith. For the latter, cheap cobalts and ultramarines are pre...
A Mixture Will Slowly But Surely Lose The Colour For Which It Was
A Pure Azure Like A Spot Of Light While Their Ground The Prussian
A Sample Which Parts With Its Prussiate To Cold Water Is Quite
unfitted for the palette, for which the most perfect specimen is none too stable. In spite of the learned researches of Professor Williamson, whose name is as closely connected with the pigment as are the names of Schunck and De La Rue with madder ...
All Cases Add The Property Of Being Innoxious As This However
cannot be, and colours are by no means to be sacrificed on that account, cleanliness and avoiding the habit of putting the brush unnecessarily to the mouth, so common in water-painting, are sufficient guards against any possibly pernicious effects fro...
Also Called English And Dutch Pink Is An Absurd Name For A Stronger
and richer kind of yellow lake, warmer in tint and more powerful than the preceding. It is a rich transparent yellow, yielding a variety of fine foliage tints by admixture with indigo and sepia in different proportions. These three colours with burnt ...
Also Called Jaune Minerale Jaune De Cologne Or Cologne Yellow
Also Called King's Yellow Chinese Yellow Yellow Orpiment &c
Also Called Permanent White And Barytic White Is When Well
prepared, of superior body in water, but has less opacity in oil. It works in a somewhat unsatisfactory and unpleasant manner, and is considerably lower in its tone while wet than when dry, a fault which subjects even an experienced artist to great un...
Also Called Scarlet Chrome Is A Bright Chromate Of Lead Of An
orange-red colour, the red being predominant. Rank in tone, it is liable to the changes of the yellow chromes, though in a less degree. The recent introduction of cadmium red renders the use of this unnecessary. TTITLE RED LEAD, ...
Also In The Olive Foliage Of The Rose-tree Formed In The Individual
leaf by the ramification of purple in green. Besides the durable yellows, reds, and blues, the following orange and green pigments are eligible for mixed citrines. They may likewise, however, be safely and simply compounded by slight additions, to an ...
And Air Are Of Organic Origin Such As Gallstone Indian Yellow And
the yellow dye-wood lakes; the red and purple lakes of cochineal; indigo; and sap green. To these may be added the semi-organic Prussian blue; and the inorganic yellows and orange of arsenic. ...
And An Artificial Of Which The Former Is The Sandarac Of The
ancients, and is rather redder than the latter. They possess the same qualities as pigments, and as such resemble yellow orpiment, to which the old painters gave the orange hue by heat, naming it alchemy and burnt orpiment. Orange orpiment contains mo...
And Body-white Cremnitz Or Kremnitz Crems Or Krems White
And By Mixing Colours Or Tints With Black He Gets Shades It Is A
common error to confound these distinctions. The above classification of colours enables us to understand the simplicity of relation which exists among an infinity of tints, hues, and shades of colour. Also, it is calculated to give precision to la...
And Cools Blue Hence The Artist Errs With Ill Effect Who Regards
black as of nearest affinity to hot and brown colours, and will do well ...
And Gray May Be Considered Types They Are So Called Because They
comprehend all the combinations of the primary, secondary, and tertiary ...