Also In The Olive Foliage Of The Rose-tree Formed In The Individual
leaf by the ramification of purple in green. Besides the durable
yellows, reds, and blues, the following orange and green pigments are
eligible for mixed citrines. They may likewise, however, be safely and
simply compounded by slight additions, to an original brown, of that
primary or secondary tone which is requisite to give it the required
Burnt Roman Ochre. Oxide of Chromium, opaque.
Burnt Sienna. Oxide of Chromium, transparent.
Cadmium Orange. Veronese Green.
Mars Orange. Viridian.
Neutral Orange. Emerald Green.
Scheele's Green.
Terre Verte.
or Umber, is a natural ochre, chiefly composed of oxide of manganese,
oxide of iron, silica, and alumina. It is said to have been first
brought from ancient Ombria, now Spoleto, in Italy. Found in England,
and in most parts of the world, that which comes from Cyprus, under the
name of Turkish or Levant umber, is the best. Of a quiet brown-citrine
colour, semi-opaque, it dries rapidly, and injures no other good pigment
with which it may be mixed. By time it grows darker, a disadvantage
which may be obviated by compounding it with colours which pale on
exposure. For light shadow tones and delicate grays it is extremely
useful, and yields with blue most serviceable neutral greens. To mud
walls, tints for stone, wood, gray rocks, baskets, yellow sails, and
stormy seas, this citrine is suited. Some artists have painted on
grounds primed with umber, but it has penetrated through the lighter
parts of the work. Merimee states that there are several of Poussin's
pictures so painted; that fine series, "The Seven Sacraments," being
clearly among the number.
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